Pittsford S'Women
  2009 Away Meet Bus Snack Schedule
For the bus ride home from Away Meets

PLEASE DON’T FORGET  …we are HUNGRY swimmers!

Both Varsity and JV bring snacks based
on the swimmer's preseason lane.

Thursday, September 17th - Rush Henrietta
SNACKS:  Preseason Lane 6 & Divers
DRINKS:  Preseason Lane 5

Thursday, October 8th - Penfield
SNACKS:  Preseason Lane 4
DRINKS:  Preseason Lane 3

Tuesday, October 13th - Hilton
SNACKS:  Preseason Lane 2
DRINKS:  Preseason Lane 1

Thursday, October 15th - Webster
SNACKS:  Preseason Lane 5
DRINKS:  Preseason Lane 6 & Divers

**All swimmers & divers are responsible for
their own food at Invitationals**
Since August 26, 2009